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Exploring the World of AI Through Play

Delving into the realm of artificial intelligence (AI) can feel intimidating for beginners. To ease into this complex field, Wharton professor Ethan Mollick, suggests experiencing AI through play—that is, just try to do something fun with AI. 

Mollick proffers a number of options, such as having an AI model compose a song or paint you a picture. Or perhaps some more niche and nerdy options such as having an AI model turn an academic paper into an NPR-style radio interview, or my personal favorite, the complexifier GPT, a custom chatbot that will take any simple task and make it as complex as possible, including drawing you an elaborate flowchart. You may have previously believed that taking candy from a baby was easy, but not after you let loose the complexifier!

Playing with AI not only makes the learning process more enjoyable but also offers valuable insights into the capabilities and limitations of AI. By experimenting with AI in a lighthearted manner, individuals can observe where AI excels and where it struggles.

Whether it's testing AI-generated art, exploring chatbots, or experimenting with AI-powered games, incorporating play into your AI exploration can provide a hands-on understanding of its functionalities. So, next time you're looking to dip your toes into the world of AI, consider approaching it with a spirit of playfulness.

Playing with AI is ultimately serious - it is a good way to get to see what the AI can and can’t do, where it is “imaginative” and where it is cliched.


privacy & cybersecurity, technology transactions, ai & machine learning