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Amazon Urges Key Suppliers to Decarbonize

On July 10, Amazon released its 2023 Sustainability Report, which noted that the company will prioritize working with suppliers who are committed to decarbonization and reaching net-zero. According to the report, Amazon has identified a list of the highest-emitting suppliers directly supporting the company's operations. These suppliers, who collectively contribute more than 50% of emissions globally to Amazon’s Scope 3 footprint, will now be required to provide a plan for how they will decarbonize their operations and demonstrate real progress over time. Amazon already requires its suppliers to report on their greenhouse gas emissions. 

According to the report, Amazon is already providing tools and resources to many of its suppliers to help drive down their emissions and encouraging suppliers to join its 2019 Climate Pledge to reach net-zero carbon emissions by 2040.

While Amazon is not the only multi-national company to encourage its suppliers to reduce their emissions and adopt environmental goals, this is perhaps the first example of a policy with real teeth.

We will prioritize our business towards those who provide their plans and results on their path to net-zero.


corporate, esg & sustainability