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Director Kathi Vidal's Sanctions Decisions Serve as a Strong Deterrent

United States Patent and Trademark Office Director Kathi Vidal's recent sanctions decisions have been notable for their seriousness and impact. In each case, Vidal invoked the Director Review process, a measure implemented during her tenure. The most recent sanction was particularly severe, resulting in the invalidation of five patents due to evidence concealment, even disregarding the merits challenge.

These sanctions reflect Vidal's proactive approach as director, signaling a departure from past practices. Attorneys told Law360 they believe that such stringent actions will effectively deter misconduct. Vidal's actions demonstrate her commitment to upholding rules and ensuring ethical behavior, going beyond the efforts of previous directors. By emphasizing the consequences of rule violations, Vidal aims to maintain the integrity of the patent system.

The three major sanctions decisions Director Kathi Vidal has issued came from unusual circumstances: two where the petitioners were accused of extortion, and one where the patent owner purposefully hid harmful evidence, including from its own expert. But attorneys say her punishments — particularly the invalidation of several patents — should be a successful deterrent from breaking rules.


ptab, intellectual property, patent litigation, patent trial & appeal board proceedings