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A Reminder for Defense Innovators: Comply with Supply Chain Requirements in DoD Prime and Subcontracts

U.S. Attorney Nikolas P. Kerest recently highlighted the severity of fraud by government contractors and subcontractors, emphasizing the importance of upholding the integrity of government procurement programs. These remarks were made in the wake of a recent $2.5 million settlement between the U.S. Department of Justice and a company that provides helmet retention inserts to the military. This False Claims Act settlement serves as an important reminder to defense innovators that prioritizing compliance with supply chain laws is vital.

Whether directly or indirectly contracting with the U.S. Department of Defense, companies must adhere to supply chain requirements, such as those covering the source country of products being delivered to the military. 

It is crucial for companies to understand the flow-down requirements in government contracts and maintain ongoing compliance throughout the duration of the agreement. 

"Fraud by government contractors and subcontractors is a serious issue and can erode the integrity of government programs," U.S. Attorney Nikolas P. Kerest said in a statement Thursday. "By selling improperly sourced products to the military, the company placed profits over compliance with clear regulations."


government contracts & public sector procurement, regulatory, defense innovation & govtech